54 research outputs found

    Mengidentifikasi Persoalan Pada Proses Kolaborasi Belajar Berbasis Komputer

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    The limitation of distance, time, and resources become a cliche issues for education in the Age of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) at this time. Solutions to collaborate ICT into education or referred as Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) is a must to achieve the goals and equity of education. The issues that become a barrier to implement this CSCL, are the influence of motivation and cultural background of a person that affects to the successful of the collaborative learning activities. Motivation is the driving forces for someone to do or not to do something that his presence is always up and down or even exist or not. Moreover when cultural background of participants influenced the collaboration of learning especialy when they are not used to it. Therefore we need a CSCL model to build a conducives learning environment to sharing motivation among the participants of learning collaboration to achive the goals

    Automatic Human Joint Detection Using Microsoft Kinect

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    Automatic human joint detection has been used in many application nowadays. In this paper, we propose an approach to detect full body human joint method using depth and color image. The proposed solution is divided into 3 stage, which is image preprocess stage, distance transform stage, and anthropometric constraint analysis stage. The output of our solution is a stickman model with the same pose as in the given input image. Our implementation is done by using a Microsoft Kinect RGB and depth camera with 480x640 image resolution. The performance of this solution is demonstrated on several human posture

    Self-adaptive Software Modeling Based on Contextual Requirements

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    The ability of self-adaptive software in responding to change is determined by contextual requirements, i.e. a requirement in capturing relevant context-atributes and modeling behavior for system adaptation. However, in most cases, modeling for self-adaptive software is does not take into consider the requirements evolution based on contextual requirements. This paper introduces an approach through requirements modeling languages directed to adaptation patterns to support requirements evolution. The model is prepared through contextual requirements approach that is integrated into MAPE-K (monitor, anayze, plan, execute - knowledge) patterns in goal-oriented requirements engineering. As an evaluation, the adaptation process is modeled for cleaner robot. The experimental results show that the requirements modeling process has been able to direct software into self-adaptive capability and meet the requirements evolution

    Entity Recognition of User Profile on Twitter

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    Atribut trust scope sebagai atribut untuk menentukan tingkat kepercayaan sumber informasi, akan diisi dengan data yang terdapat pada user profile Twitter yang dikenal sebagai Bio Twitter. Hanya saja, data tersebut harus sesuai dengan karakteristik dan fungsi dari masing-masing atribut trust scope, seperti atribut pendidikan harus diisi dengan informasi yang berkaitan dengan latar belakang pendidikan dari pemilik profil tersebut. Untuk mendapatkan data yang sesuai dengan atribut, kami melakukan named entity recognition, yang merupakan salah satu kegiatan pada proses ekstraksi informasi. Oleh karena itu, paper ini menjelaskan hasil proses pengenalan entitas yang dilakukan terhadap data yang terdapat pada user profile. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan untuk mengenali data sebagai entitas adalah IndonesiaNetagger. IndonesiaNettagger, merupakan perangkat lunak untuk mengenali entitas yang ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia. Kami melakukan penelitian dalam empat tahap, yaitu pengenalan entity dengan data Bio twitter yang asli,identifikasi kesalahan proses pengenalan, formalisasi data dan pengujian pengenalan entitas akhir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keberhasilan sebagai berikut; entitas Person dikenali dengan benar adalah sebesar 71% dari total data entitas yang tersedia, entitas Organization dikenali dengan benar sebasar 50%, entitas Position 20% dikenali denganbenar, dan 50% entitas Location dikenali dengan benar.Trust scope attribute as an attribute to determine the level of trust resources, will be filled with the data contained in the user profile of Twitter –one of social media- known as Bio Twitter. However, these data should be in accordance with the characteristics and functions of each attribute, such as education attribute must be filled in with the information relating to the educational background of the owner of the profile. To obtain the data corresponding to the trust scope attributes, we perform named entity recognition, which is one of the activities in the process of information extraction. Therefore, this paper describes the results of the entity recognition process performed on data contained in the user profile. Software used to recognize the data as an entity is IndonesiaNetagger, which is to perform entity recognition that written in Indonesian language. The software recognizes only five entities namely Person, Organization, Location, Position and Other. We carried out the research by conducting four stages namely entity recognition-with original data-Bio Twitter, error identification, formalizing data, and final test. The results show the success of entity recogniton as follow; Person entity is recognized correctly by 71% of the total data available, the entity Organization recognized correctly by 50%, 20% Position entity recognized correctly, and 50% recognized correctly as Location entity

    Recommendation System on Knowledge Management System via OAI-PMH

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    Knowledge Management System (KMS) might be a transformation from Library Management System (LMS). This transformation is possible when we add several knowledge processes from KMS not available in LMS. When a KMS is a transformation from a LMS, functionalities derived from librarian system will be also available in KMS. One of this functionality is recommendation system, where patron may receive related and recommended reading, usually based on subject similarity between knowledge documents. However, recommendation is delivered from system directly to patron. There is no recommendation from one system directly to another. This research proposes a communication model to provide recommendation from one KMS to another using LMS interoperability language, OAI-PMH. Although there is no real implementation, authors  hope  that  this  model  may  become  a basic reference for a better one. The novelty of this research is how to accommodate recommendation system between KMSs if the interaction is via knowledge sharing protocol, which in this research is OAI-PMH

    Determining Trust Scope Attributes Using Goodness of Fit Test: A Survey

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    Indonesian, as one of the countries with high number of internet users has the potential to serve as the place with great information resources. However, these resources must be accompanied by the availability of dependable information. Information trustworthiness can be obtained by assessing the confidence level (trust) of the source of information. This can be determined by using trust scope attributes. Hence, in this study, we intended to establish the trust scope attributes by means of utilizing the ones contained in the User Profile provided by social media; in this case Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Linkedin. We carried out the research by conducting four stages namely data collection, attributes grouping, attribute selection, and surveys. A survey was then distributed to 257 randomly selected respondents (divided into two clusters: civilians and military officers) to seek for their opinions in terms of what attributes were considered to be crucial in defining the believability of an information source. Chi-square Goodness of fit Test was conducted to compare observed data with data we would expect to obtain. The results of the research suggested that there was similar judgment in terms of dictating source of information trustworthiness chosen by the research participants with the attributes provided by trust scope category. In this research, both civilians and military officer clusters concurrently perceived that educational background was the most dependable attribute

    Model dan Metoda Arsitektur pada Sistem Tanya Jawab Medis

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    Pada makalah ini, akan dilakukan survey beberapa penelitian yang membahas mengenai sistem tanya jawab dengan domain pada bidang medis (medical question answering = MedQuAn). Sistem MedQuAn mengolah pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam bentuk teks bahasa alami dan kemudian sistem akan memberikan jawaban yang relevan. Makalah ini mencoba menelaah modul konseptual MedQuAn, bahwa sistem tanya jawab terdiri dari tiga komponen inti yang berbeda beserta metoda/ pendekatan yang digunakan. Ketiga komponen inti tersebut adalah klasifikasi pertanyaan, pencarian dokumen, dan ekstraksi jawaban. Hasil akhir dari survey ini adalah sebuah kontribusi untuk pengembangan penelitian di masa mendatang di domain MedQuAn khususnya untuk sistem tanya jawab medis dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia

    Generic Animation Method for Multi-Objects in IFS Fractal Form

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    Both non-metamorphic animation and metamorphic animation of objects or multi-objects in IFS fractal form as basic animation method can be implemented by a modified version of the random iteration algorithm as basic algorithm. In this way it is possible to create an attractive animation based on the combination of both animation methods as a generic animation method, as discussed in this paper. The proposed method can be used as an alternative for or as an extension of the existing animation methods in classical geometry, which are restricted to objects with regular forms. The proposed method can be used to produce more attractive media for interactively learning about the behavior of manipulated objects of any form

    A Survey on Knowledge Transfer between Knowledge-based Systems

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    The paper aims to clarify differences in knowledge sharing mechanisms between Knowledge-based Systems, including knowledge management system, web page-based knowledge, and expert system, in the hope that we can establish an automatic knowledge transfer between autonomous systems. This study lays the foundation for knowledge transfer mechanism where an autonomous Knowledge-based System may enhance its knowledge by using other system's knowledge. To design a knowledge transfer mechanism, the paper do a literature study by comparing three well-known protocols for knowledge sharing, OAI-PMH for knowledge management system, SPARQL for web page-based knowledge, and KQML for the expert system. The object of comparison is within three aspects, first is the ability to find another system, the second is knowledge retrieval from chosen system and third is how to add new knowledge into the system. The paper suggests that each protocol has its own strength and weakness, but when it comes to knowledge transfer, KQML covers more features. Therefore, based on this finding, the paper proposes a new model for autonomous knowledge transfer using KQML to enhance one Knowledge-based System's own knowledge


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    Jaringan syaraf tiruan (JST) banyak mendapat kritikan sebagai model kotak hitam yang walaupun dapat mengambil suatu kesimpulan dengan baik namun tidak mampu menjelaskan secara logis mengapa kesimpulan tersebut masuk akal untuk diambil. Pada makalah ini ditunjukkan bahwa pernyataan ini tidak sepenuhnya benar dengan cara memperkenalkan JST yang dapat melakukan penalaran mundur pada klausa definite logika proposisi maupun logika orde pertama. JST yang digunakan bukan merupakan JST konvensional seperti propagasi-balik (backpropagation) yang fitur utamanya adalah pembelajaran statistikal. JST yang digunakan adalah JST nonstatistik yang dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga cocok digunakan untuk melakukan penalaran secara logis dengan kemampuan untuk memberikan argumentasi terhadap kesimpulan yang diperolehnya. JST pada makalah ini merupakan model inferensi yang massively parallel sehingga dapat digunakan untuk melakukan penalaran dengan lebih efisien jika dijalankan pada sistem komputer paralel.Kata Kunci: jaringan syaraf tiruan, argumentasi, penalaran, inferensi, klausa definite, massively parallel
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